Currently no delivery service available under further notice !!


 Updates will follow here





See below for routes currently running, please note our delivery service is for FROZEN ready meals only.

If your not going to be in your order can by arrangement be left in safe place within reason. such as a garage or porch.   If you are out and have not informed us your order will be left in a basic cool bag (charge £2.00)  or taken away and put on to the next delivery run by agreement with yourself. (£5.00 charge for re delivery) . For delivery services please order at least 1 week in advance. 

If you would like to use one of our delivery services please advise us in the comments / notes to us box upon order submission and allow at least 7 days notice, i,e book your delivery the week before the delivery day. 


If your not going to be in your order can by arrangement be left in safe place within reason. such as a garage or porch.   If you are out and have not informed us your order will be left in a basic cool bag (charge £2.00)  or taken away and put on to the next delivery run by agreement with yourself. (£5.00 charge for re delivery) . For delivery services please order at least 1 week in advance. 


If you would like to use one of our delivery services please advise us in the comments / notes to us box upon order submission and allow at least 7 days notice, i,e book your delivery the week before the delivery day. 





Oban. via  Kilchrenan, Taynuilt, South Connel,&  Oban

 Wednesday or Thursday  9.00 am to 12.00 pm £5.00 delivery charge for orders less than £50.00. Free for orders over £50.00.



Taynuilt, Bridge of Awe, Loch Awe, to  Dalmally

Every Wednesday or Thursday approx 9.30 am to 2.30 pm

£5.00 delivery charge per order flat fee



North Connel, to  Benderloch,

Every Wednesday or Thursday 9.30 am to 5.00 pm

£5.00 delivery charge per order flat fee.